Spaceman Frozen Beverage Functionality Check - Technician

FB: Functionality Check (Technician)

Troubleshooting :: Frozen Beverage :: Functionality Check - Technician Version


Sometimes, it can be difficult to determine if the mechanical controls are functioning properly, especially with frozen product in the machine.  Because the machines do not use temperature to set the product firmness, we have developed a simple functionality check to make sure the machine is working correctly.  As a general recommendation, we encourage customers to perform the Controls Verification steps in the FB: Viscosity Controls article with a clean machine and liquid product to eliminate as many variables as possible.  If that is not possible, the below troubleshooting steps will also verify the controls as well as determine if any components have failed and which components need replacing.  If the machine has only one primary compressor for both the cylinder and hopper, it is recommended to perform the below steps with the machine completely empty of product, the doors off and all beaters and wearable parts removed from the machine.  

Warning: Operating the machine with the doors off is dangerous.  Please be careful not to place your hands or any objects inside the freezing cylinder when in operation.  Failure to do so may cause severe injury.
STOP: Have you checked the basics yet?  Check out this article if you haven't eliminated all the common machine issues before performing these steps.

Functionality Check
Before doing any other diagnostics, always start with this basic functionality check.  It’s 10 steps to help identify where issues are faster, without opening every panel and potentially causing more problems than solving.  EVERY component will be checked. It’s worth the little extra time to save a lot of headache in the future.
Working on a 2-Flavor machine?  Perform these steps one side at a time, leave the other side OFF.
  1. Verify and notate power at the outlet.  The machine should be on a dedicated circuit and the outlet should be within the proper voltage range per the name plate on the side or rear of the machine.
  2. Drain, rinse, and fully disassemble machine.  Remove side panel(s) to access motor(s).
  3. Put machine into WASH mode
    1. The motor should turn on, no odd noises should be heard, belts should be moving freely and be aligned.
    2. Measure and notate the motor amp-draw.  Compare to the name-plate on the motor for a no-load amp-draw, or the Spaceman Motor Amp Draws article.
      (Solution: If the motor does not turn on, see the 
      FB: Troubleshooting 1-Phase Motor article.)
  4. Confirm the draw switch is down and not engaged.  Hold the torque arm sliding bracket to the left, and ensure the torque switch is not engaged.  Put the machine into FREEZE mode.
    1. The motor should turn on -> The compressor and exhaust fan should turn on a few seconds later
      (Note: 6650, 6455, and 6695 machines will also have a solenoid that will turn on)
    2. Within 1 minute, the cylinder should be frosting up, cooling should be felt almost immediately.
      (Solution: If the compressor / fan / solenoid does not turn on, start at the contactor to attempt to power the system and work toward the control board or the compressor for further diagnostics.  If the compressor and fan do turn on, but no cooling is detected, first check for clogged condenser, and then use the low-side only on the refrigeration system to check for a leak)
  5. After one minute, slide the torque arm sliding bracket to the right and engage the torque switch.  Hold it there.
    1. The bracket should slide freely -> After several seconds, the cooling to the cylinder will be shut off.
      (Note: 6650, 6455: Solenoid will click off, Main Compressor will still run if hopper or other cylinder requires cooling)
      (Note: 6690, 6695, 6795: Main compressor will shut off)
    2. Once everything shuts off, let go of the torque arm sliding bracket, it should freely spring back to the left and disengage the torque switch.
      (Solution: If the cooling does not shut off, or switch to the hopper, then there is likely a problem with the viscosity switch not engaging correctly or wiring between the switch and the control board.  Check all connections and ribbon cables, and ensure the switch is engaging and disengaging correctly.  Ohm out the switch if wiring checks out.)
  6. Check the hopper(s) for cooling, which may take 2-3 minutes to detect.  
    1. Hoppers are the only temperature-controlled system.  If the hopper temperature is below the thermostat setting, they won’t call for cooling.
    2. If the hopper is actively cooling, the hopper agitator (if available) should also be moving.  These things can make a ton of noise when run dry, but shouldn’t make noise when you add product.  You can remove the agitator blade after verifying functionality.
      (Solution: If there is no cooling in the hopper(s), first check the thermostat to ensure it is clicking on/off at the appropriate temperature compared to the walls of the hopper.  The thermostat must be set below the temperature of the walls of the hopper to call for cooling.  If there is an auxiliary system, verify that it is running and the condenser is not clogged before checking for a refrigeration leak.  If there is a main compressor / solenoid cooling the hopper, and the compressor cooled the cylinder(s) without issue, then the issue is likely with the solenoid or capillary tube).
  7.  Lift up on the draw lever to engage the draw switch. 
    1. Repeat steps 4 and 5, allowing the compressor to run for at least 30 seconds to equalize.  
      (Tip: You can perform steps 8 and 9 below while allowing the compressor the extra time to run)
      (Solution: If the motor does not turn back on, there is likely an issue with the draw switch.  Verify it is engaging properly, and then inspect all wiring and ribbon cables.  Ohm out the switch if wiring and engagement check out.)
  8. Gently lift up on the Mix-Low float sensor in the hopper, holding it up for 10 seconds
    1. The Low-Mix indicator light should turn off, and turn back on when the float is released.
      (Solution: If the Low-Mix indicator does or does not illuminate correctly, first check the float switch using an ohmmeter, and replace as necessary.  If the low mix float is switching correctly, the indicator LED may be burned out).
  9. Press the Standby button
    1. The Standby Indicator should turn on
      (Solution: If the standby indicator does not turn on, the standby button needs to be replaced and is likely causing issues)
  10. Turn the machine off. 
Get here and everything passed without issue?  100% of machine components were just tested.  If they’re all fine, then there’s an operational issue.  Revert back to the first basic steps.  Something is being missed.
Did you find a step that didn’t pass?  If you're unsure of the next troubleshooting steps to take, please take photos and video of the step that fails and send to Spaceman technical service for more input and next steps.
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