Frozen Beverage - Product Mix Guide

FB: Product Mix Guide

Standard Operation  Guide  : Frozen Beverage  ::  Product Mixes
Spaceman frozen beverage machines will produce a semi-frozen slush when the proper mix is used.  When measured with a brix refractometer , the proper mix will measure 13 to 18 “brix”.  Too little sugar in the mix will cause larger ice crystals to form and/or lead to freeze ups. Too much sugar will lengthen the freeze time. 

CAUTION: Attempting to freeze water will cause severe damage to your machine. 

FRUIT JUICES with at least 32 grams of sugar per 8oz serving will freeze well in a frozen beverage machine.  They will remain stable during the freezing process while retaining their natural color and flavor. 

NEUTRAL BASES & CONCENTRATES are used to produce frozen cocktail bases or finished products.  A wide variety of drinks can be created from a neutral base by adding flavors. Most brands of concentrates or bases specify a mixture of four or five parts water to one-part base.  However, before using in a frozen beverage machine, be sure the “brix” level is 13 to 18. 

NOTE: Do not add sugar directly into the machine.

Do not attempt to mix product in hopper or machine.
Always pre-mix and chill prior to adding product to machine.  

The amount of ALCOHOL in the recipe will affect the freezing process.  As a rule of thumb, a maximum of 25% of your mixture should be alcohol based.  Too much alcohol will increase freeze times. 

Suggestion for maximizing sales and efficiency: 
1) Brix and test the product before serving it. 
2) Keep containers and measuring devices specific to your recipe clean and readily available 
3) Pre-chill product in walk in or refrigerator prior to adding to machine 
4) Keep machine clean 

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